Friday, August 10, 2018

Cell organelles

Organelle of the cell includes


The nucleus locate in the eukaryotic cell
Is formed as you see in above image of an envelope and particles called chromosomes and other bodies called the nucleolus. These are its most important components
And its function as I have replication DNA and the  RNA synthesis , but why I said the replication DNA and the  RNA synthesis cannot I say the manufacture of DNA and the range of RNA or  replication of RNA and DNA or synthesis  of DNA and RNA, my answer is linked to the function of information previously talked about and related to the nucleus, As well as the function of both DNA and RNA, DNA exists and stored in chromosomes and its function is the transfer of information to future generations and so in this process we will have to double the DNA to move it evenly between two cells, which decrease or increase it may give us a distorted cell, Cancer  does not teach that disease that frenzied cell craze
But why only small change may result in disease, as I think that the answer is related to the system in which the universe is going the universe has been created to particular patter. DNA is in a certain order of nucleic acids. Each order gives us a function. This is like the letters that are form words. Each word has a specific meaning. Defining a letter or adding it or changing it means a new word and a new meaning, and this is very much a problem in future lessons. However, this is the double word that is described. It must be DNA until it passes on to future generations, And RNA as well as I said may be relate to protein synthesis
There are other organelle in cell beside nucleus we and these include

2-The ribosomes

 Found in all cells and is made from RNA and protein. If they are found in all cells and is made from RNA and protein, then its function would to synthesis protein


 Found in eukaryotic cells and are made up of two membranes, with ribosomes and DNA, and their function is the synthesis energy production occur by series of reaction called citric acid cycle,
 Is this reminds you of anything. Yes, the mitochondria is like aerobic prokaryotic in everything they have ribosome and DNA and  its replications by binary fission and the citric acid cycle except citric acid cycle occur in cytosol in prokaryotic  while in mitochondria it occur in their out membrane . There is theory tell us that " mitochondria was in origin prokaryotic cell were engulfed by eukaryotic cells before very long time and there are in a symbiotic relationship until now

3-endoplasmic reticulum  

it locate in eukaryotic cell and consists of network of membrane in cell we can find two kind of them rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth, rough is found bound to ribosome and smooth without it,   if rough was attached to ribosome that mean its function would be to synthesis protein and transport it, while smooth like its name indicates its synthesis lipid

4-goli apparatus

 Whatever it was rough or smooth ER their product must be transport and stored, the organelle which receive their product is the goli apparatus .
    goli apparatus in eukaryotic and are made up of membranes such as the endoplasmic reticulum and its function is to  store  and export protein if  is  receive it  from rough  ER or to store and export lipid if it receive it from smooth ER


Locate in animal cell  and is consist of enzymes and  membrane and its function is to digest food particle

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